Workshop Program

The workshop aims at facilitating a discussion about the status quo, current research directions and possible futures of neurotechnologies and their users. The focus lies, in accordance with the research conducted by the Cybertum team, on neuroprostheses for amputees and brain-computer interfaces for people with tetraplegia.

To achieve this, it consists of two parts: A social hackathon in the mornings and expert talks in the afternoons.

  • In the social hackathon, the participants have the task to research the status quo, challenges, desires and support systems of amputees and tetraplegics.
  • In the expert talks, which are open to all students and researchers, renowned experts from academia and industry will present their research and visions. The talks will be followed by questions and discussions.
  • Based on their status quo research, the state-of-the-art research directions layed out by the experts and feedback from the intended users, the hackathon participants will create concept posters on design features and new research directions which they believe would be beneficial for the intended users.

The event agenda presented below is still subject to minor changes.

Header Photo: Nogay Küpelioğlu